Anusara 200hr YTT
Get Bent Yoga Studio Anusara Yoga Immersion and Teacher Training with Jaye Martin.
This teacher training program consists of two 100-Hour trainings, the Immersion and the Teacher Training. The Immersion deepens your own personal practice and may be taken independently from Teacher Training.
The 100-Hour Immersion teaches the theory and practice of yoga for the sake of the personal practice of the individual. It forms the basis and platform of the 100-Hour Teacher Training that follows. Successful completion of both the Immersion and Teacher Training meet the requirements for Anusara Yoga licensure, as well as Registration at the 200-Hour Level with the Yoga Alliance. Individuals with qualifications in other professional fields may apply knowledge from this training in those contexts based upon the Immersion.
In the Immersion, participants:
● Identify the names of yoga postures both in English and Sanskrit
● Describe the Three A’s of Anusara Yoga: Attitude, Alignment, and Action
● Explain the five Universal Principles of Alignment
● Apply the Universal Principles of Alignment to all of the classes of poses:
Warm-ups, Standing Poses, Seated Poses, Hand Balancings, Backbends, Inversions, Twists, and Supine Poses.
● Practice as many of the asana on the Anusara Level I syllabus as appropriate for the individual
● Define yoga from several perspectives
● Identify and use heart qualities in order to animate asana from the inside out
● Study, journal and reflect upon the bigger picture of yoga
● Identify the Seven Loops of Anusara Yoga and apply them to poses on the Level 1 Syllabus
● Explore key sutras from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra
● Develop their personal practice
● Perform basic pranayama
● Identify major bones and muscles, and explain their significance in asana practice
● Read the Bhagavad Gita and reflect on its significance for yoga practice
● Begin to practice poses on the Level 2 Syllabus
● Observe and assist fellow students
● Get an overview of the history of yoga
● Identify key figures in the transmission of yoga to the west.
● Identify some characteristics of the major schools of yoga active today
● Describe the five elements and apply them to asana practice
● Learn to chant the Anusara opening invocation
● Take occasional practice quizzes to assess their own progress
● Anusara Yoga Immersion Manual will be provided to all participants
In the teacher training, PARTICIPANTS:
● Continue to expand and refine what they have learnt in the Immersion.
● Learn sequencing skills
● Practice teaching what they have learnt in the Immersion.
● Take occasional practice quizzes to assess their own progress
● Take a final exam based on all previous practice quizzes answering a minimum of 70% of questions correctly in order to graduate
● Anusara Yoga Teacher Training Manual will be provided to all participants in the teacher training portion.
Pre-requisite: Some experience practicing with Jaye Martin or another Certified Anusara Yoga teacher in classes, workshops, or personally.
During the Immersion, Participants must attend/observe a minimum of 10 hours of other classes and/or workshops with Jaye or another Anusara Yoga Teacher, and complete and submit a provided attendance observation form for each class or workshop attended.
During the Teacher Training, Participants must attend/observe a minimum of 10 hours of classes and/or workshops with a variety of different teachers in styles other than Anusara, and complete and submit a provided attendance observation form for each class or workshop attended.
It is expected that participants will develop a personal yoga practice that includes some asana exploration.
Absences: Up to six contact hours can be made up by attending public classes with Jaye or another Certified Anusara Yoga teacher and completing reflective assignments. Additional hours missed can be made up by scheduling private sessions with Jaye at an additional expense charged at the reduced rate of $54 per hour.
We will meet every month starting January 24th 2024 and ending October 19th 2025.
Friday from 5:30pm-8:30pm, Saturday 10:30am-6:30pm with a 1.5 hr lunch break, Sunday 10:30am-6:30pm with a 1.5 hr lunch break. The days we will meet in 2025 are:
Immersion dates:
January 24-26
February 21-23
March 21-23
April 25-27
May 16-18
Teacher Training dates:
June 20-22
July 25-27
August 15-17
September 12-14
October 17-19
Full Anusara 200hr YTT
This investment is for the full 200HR Anusara YTT course payed in full by February 23rd.
100hr Immersion Early Bird
This Investment is for the early bird 100hr Anusara Immersion payed in full by February 23rd.
Anusara 100hr Immersion
This investment is for the 100hr Anusara Immersion starting with a $600 dollar deposit, followed by $300 dollar payments monthly for 3 months.
Anusara 200hr YTT Payment Plan
This investment is $600 dollar deposit followed by $300 dollar payment monthly until course is complete.
Click Below to Join
Required Materials:
Pens and pencils
Standard three-ring notebook
Asana Tools:
1. Yoga Mat
2. Two Yoga Blocks
3. Two Yoga Blankets
4. Yoga Belt/Strap
5. (Optional) Yoga Bolster
6. (Optional) Eye Pillow
1. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz: to be read prior to attending the first
weekend of the Immersion.
2. Anusara School of Hatha Yoga Immersion Manual
3. Bringing Yoga to Life by Donna Farhi
4. Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar
5. Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation by Stephen Mitchell
6. Bhagavad Gita: any additional translation of participants choice
7. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: two translations of participants choice
Additional Book for Teacher Training Only:
1. Anusara Yoga Teacher Training Manual